Press room
Here you will find everything you need to get to know Generation Waste. Download high-resolution images and logos, read about our company facts and get information that may be of interest to media and investors. Information is being added gradually. For further questions or collaborations, you are most welcome to contact us.
Materials for download
Here you will find high and low resolution images of our founders, CEO and company logos. The material is free to use for editorial purposes with reference to Generation Waste.
Logos in different formats. Clear space must be respected (coming soon)
Logos in different formats. Clear space must be respected (coming soon)
High resolution image Daniel Oddhammar, founder
(coming soon)
High-resolution image Per Hjalmarö, CEO and co-founder
(coming soon)
Marie Silverfjäll, Finance Service
Jessica Nauckhoff, Sätila Impact Investment AB
Mats Rofors, Providentia AB
Per Hjalmarö, Invest 2 Change
Tommy Klein, TKlein Invest
Kristoffer Klein, TKlein Invest
Niclas Möller, Tellort AB
Erik Nguyen, Luna Creatives AB
Elias Hult Pappas, Zaimion AB
IDA Network
Daniel Oddhammar
Stina Carlsson
Lina Andersson Fasth
Peter Larsson
Alexander Kostovsky
Henrik Munthe