The Göteborgsfamilj expands the collaboration with five more restaurants. The expansion means that the Gothenburg family now weighs its food waste with Generation Waste's tool in all of its restaurants.

The new restaurants that will start using the Generation Waste measuring tool are the following restaurants:
Tyska bron Havsbar
Mucho Macho
Bar Etzy
The renewed collaboration means that the Göteborgfamilj now weighs food waste with Generation Waste's measuring tool in all of its 15 restaurants.
Have developed together
The cooperation with the Göteborgfamilj has meant for Generation Waste an opportunity to develop by receiving constant feedback on how they can develop their product.
- The cooperation with the Göteborgfamilj has worked very well since day one. Based on their wishes, we have been able to develop our system. Recent developments have meant comparing purchases with wasted food. Every month, the Göteborgfamilj receives a report showing how many percent of the purchased food is thrown away, says Daniel Oddhammar, CEO of Generation Waste.
"Greenwashing since 2012"
Different name, same sustainability profile – in connection with their name change, the Gothenburg family has launched a new website where they have ironically chosen to name a category in the menu bar Greewashing since 2012. There they list all of the measures they have carried out to reduce climate impact. At the bottom of the list in the year 2021, they write that collaboration with Generation Waste has begun.
Read more about the Göteborgfamiljen sustainability work - Greenwashing since 2012.