Eight months have passed since the Göteborgfamilj signed their first agreement with Generation Waste. Then the agreement meant that the Göteborgfamilj got access to Generation Waste measuring tools at all of their restaurants on the third long street. Now they are expanding their existing agreement, as well as signing four more restaurants: Butcher's Market, Yaki-Da, Levantine, and Prime Grill.

Implementing Generation Waste measurement tools is a simple process but requires some routine change and can take time. But that was never the case for the Göteborgfamilj. The moment the pen touched the paper, they were up and running using the measuring tool. This, according to Generation Waste CEO Daniel Oddhammar, indicates that the Göteborgfamilj has exactly the right values.
-It usually requires some time to introduce staff to new routines, but for
The Göteborgfamilj went quickly, very quickly. To me, that's a sign that they have the right values. Sustainability must always come first, says Generation Waste CEO, Daniel Oddhammar.
For the Göteborgfamilj, the key to successful sustainability work is clear communication, but they also recommend having sustainability ambassadors.
- It is a constant learning process where a lot is about conversations and communication with our employees. Among other things, we have ambassadors at each restaurant who capture thoughts and ideas, says Andreas Nicoletti, Executive Chef at the Göteborgfamilj.
Want to be an innovative role model
With the Generation Waste measurement tool, the Gothenburg family's various kitchens record the food waste in four different fractions; serving, buffet, kitchen, and preparation. In this way, they get an overview of where a lot is thrown away, and what can be improved.
- With the Generation Waste measurement tool, we have reached an increased understanding among the kitchens of how much food is thrown away. In addition to this, we have also reached an increased awareness of overproduction, says Marcus Larsson, F&B manager Göteborgsfamilj.