For the past four months, Filip Hagbert has been doing his internship at Generation Waste. His main tasks have been to carry out a market survey and structure the Generation Waste CRM system. But despite great responsibility over big tasks, he has had time for a lot of other things.

Daniel Oddhammar, Rickard Bryngelsson, Emma Johansson, and Marcus Wikberg wish Filip good luck in the future, and who knows, maybe we'll see each other again.
- Filip has shown that he can be trusted. He has grown during this period but also made the rest of us grow. A better intern could not have been asked for.
Why did you apply for an internship at Generation Waste?
The first time I came across Generation Waste was in my research work when I wrote an essay regarding sustainability work for business at IHM Business School. I read more and immediately felt that it was a company that interested me, especially since I have spent many years in the restaurant industry. An industry that I am well versed in but perhaps never really realized how much food we throw away and how much money a company can save on what ends up in the bin.
What have you done during your time at Generation Waste?
During my internship, which has now been for 4 months, I have had the opportunity to be involved in all parts of the company such as marketing, sales, surveys, customer visits, and webinars. My main tasks have been to lead a market survey and to invite and coordinate two webinars with star chefs in which Tareq Taylor and Johan Björkman have participated. In addition to this, I have spent a lot of time structuring the CRM system.
What are you taking with you?
First of all, I take with me a wonderfully rewarding and fun internship with nice colleagues, but the most important thing that I take with me from this internship is my understanding of the importance of weighing. That it is scary sometimes that we throw away so much money and usually because of too little knowledge about the raw materials or in other cases that we produce more than we use.
What happens now?
Now it's back to school until the middle of May when I take my exam, after that all doors are open. I know that I want to return to working life as quickly as possible, as I miss working and meeting colleagues. Who knows, maybe there will be a place for me at Generation Waste in the future.