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Store your vegetables properly

Writer's picture: Generation WasteGeneration Waste
By storing your vegetables in the best way, you extend their shelf life and get more time to eat them. Then you reduce the risk of food waste. Take care of your vegetables as soon as possible after delivery. Keep in mind that some of your vegetables have been transported a long way. Therefore, the vegetables must be taken care of in the best way to maintain their quality and extend their shelf life.

Most vegetables thrive best in the refrigerator, but some can suffer frostbite in the refrigerator and should instead be stored cool or at room temperature. Cool means around 12-15°C. If you don't have a place with that temperature, it's best to store these vegetables at room temperature. If something has become slimy, try putting it in water or wash it thoroughly and put it in a plastic bag in the fridge. Then the vegetables will be like new within a few hours. If you have cut a vegetable or fruit into smaller pieces, you must store them in the refrigerator.

This way in the fall we can enjoy Swedish cabbage root vegetables and pumpkin. Here are some tips on how to store them in the best way.


Cabbage thrives best cold in the fridge, but has survived a temperature down to zero degrees. At room temperature, the cabbage keeps for approx. 15-20 days. You can make the cabbage fresh again by cutting off the outermost leaves and then placing the cabbage in a deep plate with cold water.

Onions and garlic

Onions should be stored crisply dry and preferably cool. You should never store onions in a plastic bag and certainly not in a damp cooling bowl. However, fresh onions can be put in the refrigerator to prevent them from drying out. However, keep in mind that garlic can add flavor to ingredients that are close by. If you have access to a cool place, the garlic fits perfectly there, otherwise, you can store it in a jar on the kitchen counter.


Should be stored dry, cool, and dark, preferably between +5-10° C. Preferably on a cold cement floor in the garage or on the terrace/balcony with a few newspapers left over. It is the light that causes the potato to sometimes turn a little green when it produces small amounts of the poison solanine, which especially small children cannot tolerate. Once the potato has turned green, it is not enough to cut off these parts, the whole potato must be thrown away.


Leeks can be stored dry at room temperature. However, it is a bit sensitive to dehydration so eat it while it is fresh. However, the leek is hardy and can handle cold temperatures down to -1° C. The optimum temperature, however, is between +2° C and +4° C degrees. If you have cut up the leek, it is best to store it covered in the fridge.

Root vegetables

In general, root vegetables such as carrots and celeriac should be kept cool and in a plastic bag to prevent dehydration, preferably deep in the refrigerator. However, parsnips should not be packed tightly in a plastic bag as rotting can easily occur. Root vegetables taste best if you eat them right away when you get them.


Please store squash in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. It should be stored cool, at about +10° C. The squash is, just like the cucumber, sensitive to ethylene gas and can also become soft and yellowish if it is left for a long time together with avocados or tomatoes.


Pumpkins can last a long time, probably 1-2 months if stored correctly. Store them dry and not too hot. If you have cut up the pumpkin, it is good if you store it cold, at about +10° C, preferably at the bottom of the fridge.

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