For two years, we at Generation Waste have been part of the family at Founders Loft; an incubator that supports companies and entrepreneurs in their development. It is a matter of course for us to include these amazing people in our team. Because without Founders Loft, we at Generation Waste would never have been where we are today.
Tell us a little about Founders Loft
- Founders Loft is a co-working community and incubator with offices in the loft in one of the buildings located in the heart of E-village in the Chalmers Vasa area in Gothenburg. We are a place where entrepreneurs are supported to follow their dreams and at the same time build good and sustainable service companies. Together with our entrepreneurs, we help each other to success, there by the name Founders Loft - Success together.
With over 20 years of experience in business development, we are proud to be part of the Swedish production of successful growth companies. Our strength is, apart from our long experience, that we do not take shares in our companies but give full support and a lot of heart, which also means that we can be completely transparent and honest in our coaching.
What is your relationship with Generation Waste?
-Generation Waste was admitted to the incubator in June 2018 and early on had a clear and unique approach to how they wanted to change the conditions for the restaurant industry. The vision was to develop a service that has a positive environmental impact and makes the restaurant industry more profitable.
As an incubator, we work with driven entrepreneurs who change the world for the better, one step at a time. When we met Generation Waste, we knew they were exactly the kind of company we wanted to work with. At Founders Loft, the entrepreneur's drive and commitment are the absolute most important thing. Being able to tackle setbacks and pivot the business model when the outside world demands it distinguishes a good entrepreneur. This is precisely what Daniel Oddhammar, CEO, has succeeded in doing at Generation Waste.
-What is your best sustainability tip?
At Founders Loft, all the companies in the incubator need to do a sustainability analysis to see which of the Agenda 2030 goals they have a negative or positive impact on. By minimizing negative impact, we will go a long way in changing the world. Identifying where we influence gives us an action plan for what needs to be done. Founders Loft has also decided to only buy organic coffee and locally produced organic fruit for the office. No one can do everything but everyone can do something.
Last but not least, when we as consumers shop online, we must become more aware of where goods and services come from. This is more common than we find out in physical stores. It's easy to forget the sustainability aspects of online shopping. Start asking the companies questions to show that you are an informed consumer. Finally, we want to raise Daniel Oddhammar who is an incredible source of knowledge and inspiration for us at the incubator and all the entrepreneurs in our incubator program.