On 16 December 2020, the initiative Climate 2030 - Västra Götaland is changing was launched. The initiative is a joint effort run by the Västra Götaland region and the County Administrative Board, and the goal is to reduce total emissions in Sweden. The City of Mölndal has signed the agreement and now hopes that Generation Waste will be able to help them achieve climate goal 12, which means reducing food waste.

Climate 2030 – Västra Götaland is changing consists of 20 concrete measures that each municipality completes in connection with its commitment as a signatory to the initiative. Among these 20 measures are number 12; weighing and targeting food waste in public activities. This is where Generation Waste's collaboration with the City of Mölndal comes into play. The City of Mölndal has chosen Generation Waste as a partner in the new venture. Above all, they have hopes that the Generation Waste measurement tool will be simple and effective. Our hope for the collaboration with Generation Waste is that we will be able to measure and analyze food waste simply and take measures to reduce our climate impact and create additional efficiency, says Sarah Bengtsson, operations manager at Mölndal City's service management "Digital solutions in public kitchens are the future" That the City of Mölndal chooses Generation Waste as a partner to reduce its food waste is no coincidence. In any case, Daniel Oddhammar doesn't think so, who directly saw a connection between Mölndal's concrete goals and the potential of Generation Waste measurement tools. As a signatory to Climate 2030, the City of Mölndal must reduce food waste to a maximum of 45g/portion, which is a challenge that I believe is perfectly reasonable. But it requires a measurement tool that is easy to handle and provides daily, accurate statistics, which we can provide them, says Daniel Oddhammar. Several municipalities in Sweden weigh their food waste daily, but far from all have digitized the process. Daniel Oddhammar finds the Climate 2030 initiative to be a big step in the right direction and believes that it can lead to the acceleration of digitization in public kitchens. The Swedish Agency for Agriculture, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, and the Swedish Food Agency all believe that all kitchens should weigh their food waste daily. Our job is to make sure that it happens in as simple a way as possible, and we mean that through digital tools. Digital solutions in public kitchens are the future and Mölndal has understood that. The digital transition they are now going through will pay off for them in the future.
The City of Mölndal also takes on the challenge with a positive spirit and hopes it will lead to an improved work environment. Implementing Generation Waste's measurement tool in our daily work will be a fun challenge that can hopefully create a cost-effective and qualitative operation, but also an improved work environment, says Sarah Bengtsson.