Should reduce food waste by 10% already in the first year. Arken Hotel & Art Garden Spachooses the sustainability company Generation Waste in its work for more sustainable and climate-smart handling of its raw materials. - We can reduce our climate impact and save money at the same time, says Maria Botéus, hotel manager at Arken Hotel & Art Garden Spa.
Generation Waste begins collaboration with Arken Hotel & Art Garden Spa, where they will reduce food waste in the hotel's restaurant through training and measurement systems. The first goal of the collaboration is to reduce food waste by 10% over the next twelve months. - A reduction of 10% in the first year is a proven completely reasonable target. With food waste under control, we will train the kitchen staff and continuously present the results of our work together, says Daniel Oddhammar, CEO of Generation Waste.
By dividing the food waste into three fractions, the different types of food waste can be weighed and registered in Generation Waste's system. The data is sent to a portal, which the restaurant has access to, and where statistics for food waste are presented. - Food waste has a major impact on the climate and at the same time means unnecessary expenses. Fully edible food ends up in the bin, something we want to avoid. Generation Waste's solutions allow us to reduce our climate impact and save money at the same time, says Maria Botéus.
Generation Waste works towards the UN's twelfth sustainability goal, which means halving global food waste by the year 2020. Arken Hotel & Art Garden Spa works according to a green mindset in its kitchen, and Generation Waste will help the restaurant to make use of more the raw materials.
- In our kitchen, we mainly use organic and locally produced ingredients, for seasonal menus. Working to reduce our food waste, therefore, feels completely in line with our values and Generation Waste's solutions enable us to follow developments continuously, says David Sjölander, head chef at Arken Hotel & Art Garden Spa.