General Regulations | Generation Waste
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General Provisions

1. General

Generation Waste's portal is a cloud-based platform with services and applications for registering and monitoring statistics on food waste.

2. Definitions

In these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms have the meanings indicated below:

Connection point: The point or points where Generation Waste connects the service to a public electronic communications network unless otherwise agreed.
Application: The software provided in a SaaS service.

The agreement: The agreement between Generation Waste and the customer, with associated appendices.

Error: Interruption of the web portal's operation and accessibility for users.
Customer's data: The data that the customer or others on behalf of the customer make available to Generation Waste.

The customer's software: The software owned by the customer or which the customer has the right to use according to the service agreement and which is used in the service.
Platform: The software provided in a SaaS service and the application or applications owned and provided by Generation Waste but locally installed and used in the service.
Software: The application or applications owned and provided by Generation Waste but locally installed and used in the Service, for example, food waste registration software.
Saas service: (Software as a service) Provision of software/applications to users over the Internet as a service.
Specification:  The specification of the content of the service contained in the Agreement or later agreed changes thereof in writing.
Start day: The day on which the service must be available to the customer according to the Agreement.
Additional service: Service that is not included in the better scope of the service.

3.  Kundens kontaktperson

4. Support

Kunden ska i Avtalet ange en kontaktperson som ansvarar för avtalsförhållandet. Kontaktpersonen ska ha rätt att företräda och fatta beslut åt sin huvudman avseende tjänsten och dess utförande. 

The service includes technical support.

4.2 Scope

If necessary, the customer has the right to technical advice regarding the management of the service, software, and delivered hardware, according to the terms of the Agreement. Need is considered to exist when a relevant trained user needs support or assistance regarding a properly installed and well-implemented system. Generation Waste determines how the support takes place.
Unless otherwise agreed, support is available via e-mail, on weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Support questions are normally answered no later than the next working day.

4.3 Services not covered by the support commitment

For services performed, which are not covered by the support commitment, the customer must pay compensation to Generation Waste according to the agreed price list for current consulting services.

Det förutsätts att kunden använder en aktuell version av lokalt installerad programvara, att Generation Wastes manualer och anvisningar följs, att ingrepp eller förändringar i levererad programvara och levererad hårdvara ej vidtagits av kunden eller av någon som denne anlitat samt att gällande avgifter betalats. 

Installation och implementation ska ha utförts av Generation Waste eller någon av Generation Waste certifierad partner. Användare av tjänsten och programvaran samt driftsansvarig hos kunden ska ha relevant kunskap och erfarenhet och vid behov, eller på Generation Waste begäran, genomgå anvisad utbildning.

4.2 Scope

4.3 Tjänster som ej omfattas av supportåtagandet

Generation Waste must remedy errors and deficiencies that are due to deficiencies in the service provided, except errors that are due to the customer's software, other conditions on the customer's side, or due to limitations in accessibility according to point 5.2 above.

Generation Waste is also not responsible for errors or operational interruptions that occur due to circumstances beyond Generation Waste's control and the adverse effects which Generation Waste could not reasonably eliminate.

Errors are rectified by correction or instruction to bypass the error. Generation Waste is not responsible for installation, adaptations, and the like.

Generation Waste's responsibility assumes that products and services are used in the agreed manner and as prescribed in the documentation and that the customer has not changed or intervened in the system.

7. Limitation of Liability

If the customer or Generation Waste is prevented from fulfilling their obligations under the Agreement due to circumstances beyond the control of the customer or Generation Waste, such as lightning strikes, labor disputes, fires, changes in government regulations, government intervention, and errors or delays in services from subcontractors due to circumstances specified, this shall constitute a basis for exemption which brings forward the date of the performance and exemption from damages and other possible penalties. If the fulfillment of the Agreement to essential parts is prevented for longer than three months due to a certain circumstance stated above, the customer or Generation Waste has the right to terminate the Agreement in writing. In the event of such termination, Generation Waste is entitled to compensation according to the Agreement for work performed and proven necessary costs.

Generation Waste is only liable for damage if the damage occurred due to intentional action or gross negligence on the part of Generation Waste or if Generation Waste was guilty of a material breach of contract.

5.1 Software

Generation Waste tillhandahåller via tjänsten en applikation för registrering av matsvinn.

5.2   Availability

Generation Waste ansvarar för att hålla avtalad tjänst tillgänglig under avtalsperioden. Generation Waste har rätt att vidta åtgärder som kan påverka tillgängligheten: 

  • Om det är nödvändigt av drifts och/eller säkerhetsmässiga skäl 

  • Om det avser planerat avbrott för att utföra underhåll, uppdateringar och service av plattformen. 

Ovan nämnda omständigheter medför inte någon rätt till ersättning. 

5.3 Protection against loss of data

Errors must be reported in writing, immediately after the error is discovered. The customer must, at his own expense, send the required material for reproduction and remediation to Generation Waste.

10. Privacy


The parties undertake not, without the other party's prior and written consent, to disclose or exploit, provide or use information relating to the Agreement and the negotiations that preceded the Agreement or information about the other Party or its activities that may be considered as business and professional secrets, which the Party has been privy to. Source code and other program documentation relating to products and services constitute such confidential information. This applies regardless of whether the information was provided in writing or orally and regardless of format. 


This confidentiality obligation does not prevent the Party from providing such information that the Party is obliged to disclose according to law, judgment or authority decision or agreement with a stock exchange or other recognized marketplace. If a Party should have or be required to provide such information, the Parties undertake to immediately notify the other Party to give it the opportunity to take protective measures. The parties shall use their best efforts to ensure that information provided pursuant to this paragraph is, as far as possible, treated confidentially by the recipient of the information.


For each breach of the confidentiality obligation in clause 9.1, the breaching Party shall, upon request, issue a fine of SEK 50,000 per instance of breach. If the Party can demonstrate damage due to the violation that is greater than the aforementioned penalty amount, compensation must be paid in an amount that corresponds to the size of the damage.


The customer must, through non-disclosure agreements with staff or other appropriate measures, ensure that confidentiality as above is observed. 

Generation Waste ska avhjälpa fel och brister som beror på bristfälligheter i den tillhandahållna tjänsten med undantag för fel som beror på kundens programvara, annat förhållande på kundens sida eller på grund av begränsningar i tillgängligheten enligt punkt 5.2 ovan.

Generation Waste ansvarar inte heller för fel eller driftsavbrott som uppstår på grund av omständigheter som ligger utanför Generation Waste kontroll och vars menliga effekter Generation Waste inte rimligen kunnat undanröja. 

Avhjälpande av fel sker genom rättelse eller anvisning om kringgående av felet. Generation Waste ansvarar inte för installation, anpassningar och liknande. 

Generation Wastes ansvar förutsätter att produkter och tjänster utnyttjas på avtalat sätt och som föreskrivs i dokumentation, samt att kund inte ändrat eller företagit ingrepp i systemet.

14. Customer Data

In the relationship between the customer and Generation Waste, the customer has all rights to the Customer's Data.

Generation Waste has the right to use the customer's data only to the extent required to be able to deliver the service. Generation Waste has a right to use that is not limited in time.

The customer is responsible for maintaining control over information handled in the service so that the customer can prevent the dissemination of the information by what is required under current legislation.

If a third party should claim compensation against Generation Waste because the Customer's Data constitutes an infringement of a third party's right or that the customer's use of the service constitutes an infringement of a third party's right, the Customer shall, upon request, compensate Generation Waste with an amount corresponding to the compensation that Generation Waste has to pay to third parties.

Om kunden eller Generation Waste förhindras fullgöra sina åtaganden enligt Avtalet av omständighet som kunden eller Generation Waste inte kunnat råda över, såsom blixtnedslag, arbetskonflikt, eldsvåda, ändrad myndighets- bestämmelse, myndighetsingripande samt fel eller försening i tjänster från underleverantör på grund av omständigheter som angivits, ska detta utgöra befrielsegrund som medför framflyttning av tidpunkt för prestationen och befrielse från skadestånd och andra eventuella påföljder. Om Avtalets fullgörande till väsentliga delar förhindras för längre tid än tre månader på grund av viss ovan angiven omständighet, äger kunden eller Generation Waste att skriftligen uppsäga Avtalet. Vid sådan uppsägning har Generation Waste rätt till ersättning enligt Avtalet för utfört arbete och styrkt nödvändig kostnad.

För skada ansvarar Generation Waste endast om skadan uppkommit på grund av uppsåtligt agerande eller grov försumlighet på Generation Waste sida eller om Generation Waste gjort sig skyldig till väsentligt avtalsbrott.  

8.  Kundens åtagande

För att Generation Waste ska kunna ansvara för utförandet av sina åtaganden enligt Avtalet ska kunden följa Generation Wastes instruktioner för tjänstens användning och ansvara för följande:

8.1 Communication and equipment

Kunden ansvarar för kommunikationen mellan kunden och Anslutningspunkten samt för att kunden innehar den utrustning och programvara som krävs för nyttjande av Tjänsten.

8.2   Kundens Programvara

The customer is responsible for errors and deficiencies in the customer's software and for damage attributable to errors and deficiencies in the customer's software.

8.3  Kundens Data

Kunden ska tillse (i) att Kundens Data är fritt från virus, trojaner, maskar eller annan skadlig programvara eller kod, (ii) att Kundens Data är i överenskommet format, samt (iii) att Kundens Data på annat sätt inte kan skada eller inverka negativt på Generation Wastes system eller tjänsten i övrigt.

8.4  Hantering av lösenord

Registrerade användare av plattformens administrativa verktyg, tilldelas ett unikt användarnamn och lösenord. Lösenordet är personligt och får inte avslöjas för andra. Lösenord skickas via e-post till användaren. Meddelandet ska raderas efter mottagandet. Generation Waste ansvarar ej för skada som uppkommit p.g.a. brister i hanteringen av lösenordet.

8.5 Protection of the system against unauthorized use

Registered users of the platform's administrative tools are assigned a unique username and password. The password is personal and must not be disclosed to others. Password is sent via e-mail to the user. The message must be deleted after receipt. Generation Waste is not responsible for damage caused due to shortcomings in the handling of the password.

8.6   Utbildning

Kunden ansvarar för att användare av tjänsten genomför en av Generation Waste anvisad utbildning. 

9.  Complaint

Errors must be reported in writing, immediately after the error is discovered. The customer must, at his own expense, send the necessary material for reproduction and remediation to Generation Waste.

10.  Sekretess​​

  1. The parties undertake not, without the other party's prior and written consent, to disclose or exploit, provide or use information relating to the Agreement and the negotiations that preceded the Agreement or information about the other Party or its activities that may be considered as business and professional secrets, which the Party has been privy to. Source code and other program documentation relating to products and services constitute such confidential information. This applies regardless of whether the information was provided in writing or orally and regardless of format.

  2. This confidentiality obligation does not prevent the Party from providing such information that the Party is obliged to disclose according to law, judgment or authority decision or agreement with a stock exchange or other recognized marketplace. If a Party should have or be required to provide such information, the Parties undertake to immediately notify the other Party to give it the opportunity to take protective measures. The parties shall use their best efforts to ensure that information provided pursuant to this paragraph is, as far as possible, treated confidentially by the recipient of the information.

  3. For each breach of the confidentiality obligation in clause 9.1, the breaching Party shall, upon request, issue a fine of SEK 50,000 per instance of breach. If the Party can demonstrate damage due to the violation that is greater than the aforementioned penalty amount, compensation must be paid in an amount that corresponds to the size of the damage.

  4. The customer must, through non-disclosure agreements with staff or other appropriate measures, ensure that confidentiality as above is observed.

11.  Konkurrens​​​

The customer undertakes not to, for a period of three (3) years from this date, directly or indirectly, conduct, have an interest in or otherwise promote any business that competes with Generation Wastes, current or planned business. However, the customer is allowed to initiate collaborations and connect to other systems with similar functions after the end of the contract period.

12.  Fees​​​

För Generation Wastes utförande av tjänsten och beställd tilläggstjänst ska kunden från Startdagen betala den ersättning som framgår av Avtalet. 

Därtill har Generation Waste rätt till ersättning för skäliga faktiska kostnader för traktamente och resor samt logi från Generation Wastes stationeringsort.

Om Generation Waste orsakas merarbete eller merkostnader på grund av omständigheter som kunden ansvarar för ska kunden ersätta Generation Waste för sådant merarbete och sådan merkostnad enligt Generation Wastes prislista.

Avgifterna är exklusive moms och andra efter avtalets träffande fastställda tillkommande skatter och avgifter på tjänst och tilläggstjänst. 

Angivna avgifter avser avgiftsnivåer per dagen för Avtalets undertecknande. Skulle oförutsedda kostnadsökningar uppkomma under avtalstiden, på grund av exempelvis införande eller höjning av ersättning till underleverantörer, skatter eller andra pålagor ska avgiften justeras från den dag kostnadsökningen inträffade för Generation Waste. 

Generation Waste har rätt att från och med nytt kalenderår en gång per år ändra samtliga avgifter i överensstämmelse med förändringen enligt det av SCB publicerade arbetskostnadsindex, tidsserie AKI för tjänstemän definitiva siffor, näringsgren K-N. Basår för indexjustering ska vara det år avtal ingåtts. 

13.  Betalningsvilkor

Betalning ska ske mot faktura. Mervärdesskatt tillkommer på samtliga priser. Betalning ska ske, om inget annat överenskommits, i svenska kronor (SEK). 

Efter förfallodagen debiteras dröjsmålsränta enligt Räntelag (1975:635).

14. Customer Data

In the relationship between the customer and Generation Waste, the customer has all rights to the Customer's Data.

Generation Waste has the right to use the customer's data only to the extent required to be able to deliver the service. Generation Waste has a right of use that is not limited in time.

The customer is responsible for maintaining control over information handled in the service so that the customer can prevent the dissemination of the information in accordance with what is required under current legislation.

In the event that a third party should make a claim for compensation against Generation Waste on the grounds that the Customer's Data constitutes an infringement of a third party's right or that the customer's use of the service constitutes an infringement of a third party's right, the Customer shall, upon request, compensate Generation Waste with an amount corresponding to the compensation that Generation Waste has to pay to third parties.

15.  Loggfiler

In the event that Generation Waste logs the use of the service, information from the log is used solely by Generation Waste, for what is required for the performance of the service and as part of ensuring operation and unless the log contains personal data for development, to investigate abuse or analyze intrusions , provide information to authorities or for statistical purposes. If information from the log is used for statistical purposes, it must not contain the Customer's Data or information subject to confidentiality obligations so that the customer or any individual can be identified. Statistical analyzes may not constitute personal data. Generation Waste must allow the customer to access the information that Generation Waste registers regarding the use of the service according to this point.

16.  Avtalsperiod och uppsägning

The contract period is stated in the Agreement. The agreement is automatically extended unless either party terminates the agreement in writing no later than ninety (90) days before the end of the respective agreement period.

The agreement ends at the end of the calendar month that occurs closest to the end of the notice period.

The termination of the Agreement must take place in writing.

17. Early Termination

Each party has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect if:

  • the other party materially breaches its obligations under the Agreement and has not, within thirty (30) days of a written request made to the other party with reference to this clause, taken corrective action.

  • the other party is declared bankrupt, begins composition negotiations, is subject to company restructuring or is otherwise insolvent.

If Generation Waste terminates the Agreement for early termination, Generation Waste shall be compensated for work performed and necessary costs.

The termination of the Agreement must take place in writing.

18.  Avveckling av tjänsten

Vid tjänstens upphörande ska kopia av Kundens Data, om kunden så begär, skyndsamt återlämnas till kunden eller till den kunden anvisar. De delar som finns elektroniskt ska, om kunden så önskar och i skälig omfattning, överlämnas i elektroniskt skick. 

Kundens begäran om kopia av Kundens Data ska framställas skriftligen senast inom sextio (60) dagar från Avtalets upphörande. Efter utgången av en sådan sextiodagarsperiod, om inte annat krävs enlig lag, får Generation Waste anonymisera eller radera eller på annat sätt göra Kundens Data och Kundens Programvara som finns hos Generation Waste oåtkomlig. 

Generation Waste får inte efter Avtalets upphörande behandla personuppgifter i Kundens Data för andra syften än att anonymisera eller radera Kundens Data. 

19. Tillämplig lag och tvist​

Svensk materiell rätt, med undantag för lagvalsbestämmelser, ska gälla för Avtalet och för tvister som härrör ur Avtalet.

vister som uppstår i anledning av Avtalet ska slutligt avgöras genom skiljedom administrerat av Stockholms Handelskammares Skiljedomsinstitut. Skiljeförfarandets säte ska vara Göteborg. Språket för förfarandet ska vara Svenska.

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