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Fridaskolan gains momentum in milestone 12.3 - signs an agreement with Generation Waste

Generation Waste will help Fridaskolan with the UN's global sustainability goal 12.3; which means contributing to halving food waste in the world. On its website, Fridaskolan writes the following: With daily statistics on our total food waste, we gain the necessary knowledge to be able to reduce food waste further together.

Fridaskolan gains momentum in milestone 12.3 - signs an agreement with Generation Waste

When it comes to sustainability work, Fridaskolan's restaurants have already come a long way, as they have been licensed with the Swan environmental label since 2013. Now they can stretch themselves even further and proudly call themselves partners with Generation Waste.

-One part of our sustainability work is to constantly strive to leave as small a negative climate footprint as possible for future generations. Reducing our food waste is an obvious choice that has a quick effect and is a simple way to follow our improvement process, says Niklas Knipplén, Head chef and restaurant developer at Fridaskolan in Uddevalla.

Want to educate students using statistics
A large portion of food waste from school cafeterias usually comes from students' plates; so-called plate wastage. Fridaskolan hopes this will be reduced through collaboration with Generation Waste. With statistics from the Generation Waste measuring tool, Fridaskolan will educate the students.

- We hope that the collaboration with Generation Waste will lead to an increased understanding among students and staff; that we can no longer continue to abuse mother earth's resources as an inexhaustible source. With Generation Waste's help, we will obtain data that can be used in teaching and other contexts. Of course, we also hope to see an improvement in the finances of our restaurant kitchens as a result of reduced food waste.

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